Travel Photography X-Masters


Travel Photography X-Masters

We invited 10 fantastic photographers to take part in this publication and each one talks about their personal experience, what inspires them, what equipment they use, their workflow, tips and more.


Inside this 218 pages pdf edition beautifully illustrated with fantastic photographs you will find inspiration for your photographic journey!



Nature Noises & Alpine Sketches
by Adrian Schiefele

Experiments in Digital Nomadism and Travel Photography
by Matthew Jelfs

Capturing the Atmosphere
by Tomas Kobela

“I will always travel”
by Ralf Polke

Discovery Barcelona: street, travel and model shoot
by Michael Leski

Landscape and Travel Photography from the heart of Europe
by Pavel Mego

Searching for the perfect moment
by Jose Carpin

Reigniting my travel photography spark
by Natasha Lequepeys

Small Camera, Great Opportunities
by  Serkan Senturk

Interview With José Jeuland, Portrait and Travel Photographer
by José Jeuland