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Special Printed Issue


Special Printed Issue

In the fast-paced digital age, where screens dominate our daily lives, the allure of a printed magazine dedicated to photography remains unparalleled. The tangible quality of flipping through its pages, absorbing the carefully curated content, and immersing oneself in the world of visual storytelling is an experience that transcends pixels and screens.

A printed magazine devoted to photography is not merely a collection of images; it is a repository of inspiration, a celebration of the art form, and a tribute to the dedicated individuals behind the lens. As one delves into its pages, a journey unfolds, revealing the diverse and captivating world of photography.

Pages: 86 | Size: 17 x 24.4 cm (approx. 6.7 x 9.6 in) | FREE Shipping Worldwide

* This magazine is produced on print-on-demand and shipped from the US or UK, so you may need to pay customs duties if you are an EU customer. Please take this as an important note when purchasing your magazine.
* Please allow 3 to 7 business days for processing prior to shipping

* Delivery times vary by destination
* PO Boxes are not allowed



What you will find inside:

Ladislav Rombald
Crossing Mountains

Leon Antonio James
Places & Faces

Remy de Wal
Enjoying the silence and beauty of Nature

Marcel F. Sherman
Analog Vibe

Tomas Derner
My photography journey…


* This magazine is produced on a print-on-demand basis, that is, each issue is made individually. For this reason, there may be minor print defects, so we will replace the copy if these appear in a large number and clearly disturb the reading of the text or do little to dignify the author’s work. Our services will evaluate each case.